The enola gay

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Regular crew (Crew C-15) flew the plane, with the exception of c o-pilot 2LT Frederick J. Weaponeer and mission commander.ĢLT Morris R. Only person to fly on the strike plane on both bombing missions.

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Strike plane carrying Little Boy atomic bomb. This list has been thoroughly checked for accuracy by several 509 th Composite Group experts and historians.Įnola Gay. There are many incorrect lists online of the planes and crews that flew on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing missions. Crews were often rotated around during the missions. The term “pumpkin bomb” can apply to both the dummy concrete bombs used at Wendover for training, and to the high-explosive bombs dropped over Japan.

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They had been specially modified to accomodate the size and weight of the atomic bombs.

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All of the B-29s involved in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 'pumpkin bomb' training and combat missions at Wendover, UT and on Tinian were Project Silverplate B-29s.

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